So, here I am , trying to figure out how to start a sentence to describe myself. After hours and end of thinking, there you go, the most unconventional first sentence. :)
My full name is Nabilah binti Abdul Fattah. Nabilah, in Arabic, means "the Noble one". According to my grandma, a person’s name influences their destiny and shapes their character. I am not claiming to be Noble, but someday, I would love to live up to its meaning and justify the reasons for the name I was given.
Introducing myself to a stranger normally evokes many kinds of reaction. “ Eh, Melayu ke ?” or “ Eh, how come you have a Muslim name ? “ or “ Why do you have Arabic name, but you Indian, right?” And there are so much of them, I can write a book on “The difference between Race and Religion for Dummies"
I judge people from the first sentence that comes out of their mouth upon introduction. Ignorance turns me off and yes, I am judgmental like that.
I always try not to classify myself as anything. I’m a proud Global Citizen ; but on a superficial level, I take pride in being first, a Woman, a Muslim second, a Malaysian next and a Tamil to wrap it all up.
I was born in on the 11th day of February, in the year 1987. That makes me an Aquarian who was born in the year of Rabbit. I would like to think I am outgoing, sociable and an enviable social butterfly; but I’m too emotionally detached and private, it’s impossible to be any of those. I take pride in being Independent, outspoken, fairly smart, and fairly attractive. I tend to have my own opinions in almost every issue will fight for what I believe in. I’m generally without prejudice and very tolerant except in dealing with excessive racism or ignorance. I am never able to see or understand the negativity of Globalization and no one can convince me otherwise.
Now, back to the important bit, I‘m currently in the second year, out of three years to complete the Bachelor’s of Mass Communication in SEGi University College. I major in Journalism, something I’m absolutely passionate about. This is a short semester. By far the most hectic one. There are a total of three subjects , one of which this blog is a part of the requirement. The subject is called Media and Technology and although I am at the other extreme end of being a tech-ie, the subject is quite fun for a few reasons ; first, we are allowed to speak up, give opinions and engage in useful debates and second, my lecturer and I share that same name. She is young, cute and opinionated, so it doesn't hurt :)
So, basically what we learn in this subject is mainly on how the evolution of Technology has changed the face, function and purpose of the mass media. There are inventions based on human need, inventions for human vanity and inventions to satisfy the ever increasing geek population [ I just had to say it :P ]
So in every class, we are to discuss about one item in technology that affects the media.
In my opinion, although my technical capabilities are shamefully limited, I agree there is definitely a need to keep up with the Evolution. The Evolution of Technology is so constant, so rapid and so accessible that it’s almost blasphemy not to keep up. The main goal of any media organization, or journalist is how far their message go across the world, so the existence or rather the development of technology in media helps them to reach their goal.
We can clearly see how good things come out of this development ; the political uprising in the Middle East, the gathering of like-minded young adults with same interests that starts from networking sites, everything started due to the access people has to the media and the ability to share thoughts across borders, which will not be possible without technology.
With that also comes exploitation of technology ; referring to the recent phone-hacking scandal by the writers of the News of the World. The ability to use technology to obtain private data with a sole purpose of making profits screams nothing more than sleazy and technology plays a big part in breeding heartless-sleazeballs. And then, there are camera phones > private pictures > sour relationship > broadcast to the world and the victim crying woe-is-me. It all happens too often and any sort of technology exploitation by the media is hardly surprising anymore.
So, that basically wraps up my self promotion introduction and how I feel about Media and Technology. I now understand why people say Blogging does not come naturally to some people, its really difficult to organize your thoughts and put it into writing. I hope this article serves its purpose and Ms. Nabila, thanks for reading.